Soul Care Grants

What is in a story?

We have served hundreds of participants over the years & each person has had their own unique story & relationship with God.

Yet, their story also impacts the lives & stories of many others. Every participant, retreatant, & directee have a ripple effect on their cohort, communities, churches, & families. 

Supporting the journey of even just one person can make all the difference.

So where does this take us?

As we ramp up to this year’s fall programming, want to invite you to come alongside us in supporting the stories & ministries of our future participants by donating towards soul care grants.

PAX soul care grants go directly to individuals & churches who need financial support to participate in a PAX program. We love this piece of our ministry & want it to continue! Will you help us?

Below are the stories of three participants who were able to pursue their desire to be trained in our programs due to a soul care grant. We want to share these three stories with you.

  • “I think soul care & spiritual direction are so important in our churches & Christian communities, because in so many ways, they are at the very heart of ministry itself. I myself have been so blessed by spiritual direction & am very thankful to have been part of a Transformational Listening 2 (TL2) cohort. My participation in TL2 was made possible by a grant so I appreciate the generosity of others which allowed me to be trained as a spiritual director. It is my prayer that I in turn will be able to bless others through spiritual direction in the coming years.” - Myron

  • “A Soul Care Grant generously allowed me to participate fully in my TL1 cohort while in graduate school. I felt very supported by PAX to pursue deeper spiritual learning without financial concern. I am so thankful for the scholarship opportunities that PAX offers & for the wonderful experience I had as a member of the TL1 cohort.” - Clare

  • "I was soul-weary & knew I needed something to help me get back on track after a very intense work season through the COVID years. When I heard about the PAX Certificate in Spiritual Formation, it sounded perfect, but I was in a very difficult place financially. Thanks to a soul care grant, I was able to take the course which did, indeed, help me to make space to connect with & desire to trust God in deeper ways. Significantly, unbeknownst to me, through that course I was assembling a parachute pack of sorts so that when a significant life-changing event occurred at the end of the course, I felt securely ‘held’ in the freefall. I will forever be grateful to PAX for how poised & ready I was to trust God in newer, deeper ways." - Lis

We are so grateful to have been a small part of Myron's, Clare’s, & Lis’ stories & can't wait to see what comes next for them over the next few years.

If you are ready to partner with us & contribute to future participant stories you can donate directly below! Your donation will go directly to supporting individuals & churches who need help financially through a scholarship fund. 

Thank you for supporting the beautiful stories to come.

Donations can also be sent via check made payable to PAX & sent to the attention of Rama Ziegenhals at PO Box 93, Essex, MA 01929. PAX is a 501c3 & all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed.

If you are paying online for a program or spiritual direction, please use the direct PayPal link below. Thanks!